Empress 1908 Gin 700ml
Empress 1908 Gin 700ml
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Inspired by the beautiful tea service at the iconic Fairmont Empress Hotel, we set out to create an extraordinary cocktail experience, one that would be a delight to the senses. Empress 1908’s unique flavour stands out for the fine balance of natural botanicals that go into its distillation. We invite you to read our story, from the inspiration behind Empress 1908 to the unique ingredients that make it so exceptional. Take a look at some of the incredible cocktails that can only be made with Empress 1908, including our signature Empress & Tonic. Then taste for yourself. Micro-distilled in small batch copper-pot stills, Empress 1908 is hand-crafted using eight signature botanicals: tea, juniper, rose, coriander seed, grapefruit peel, ginger root, cinnamon bark, and butterfly pea blossom. It’s the pea blossom, which we discovered in one of the Empress tea blends, that imbues the gin with a distinctive earthy note.
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